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2021: A Year In Review

It has been an eventful year in many respects and, as ever, we have had to adapt as a business to the challenges that we are faced with.

Covid 19 has had a massive effect on all of us and because we work in close proximity to our customers and driving test Examiners we have had to ensure that we follow best practice and Government guidelines to ensure that we can continue to deliver a Quality, professional, reliable, affordable service.

Our customers have played a part too by being honest about possible symptoms and taking responsible decisions to help protect us all. Yes of course, the disruption does affect our daily planning and our prospective income but despite all of that we have been able to deliver a great service which is echoed by the reviews that we have received from our customers and the conversations that we have had with customer enquiries.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank MIck Haughton for his tremendous contribution to RIMS Motoring School in the time that he has been part of our team. We will miss him but wish him well as he moves forward into new ventures.

Looking forward, I do feel that 2022 will bring a more settled working environment as I believe that Covid will be better under control and that with the proposed flexible working of the Examiners will reduce the waiting times not just for tests but of course for lesson availability too!

I wish to thank those people who have put their faith in us being organised in our waiting list planning and execution which has become easier to manage as time has passed.

We look forward to a positive 2022.

Best wishes and kind regards,

Mick Kingham, Director of RIMS Motoring School Ltd.

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