Part Trained
When Was It You First Started Learning To Drive?
Maybe the bigger question is, when do you want to pass your driving test?
Today you want a driving school to help you over the finishing line, you can already drive to some degree and you just want to do that final push. Until we speak with you, we can’t be sure what skills and knowledge you have and which areas you may need some help to develop. We are here to work with you and support you through the process to help you achieve the “All important test pass” as soon as possible.
Imagine if you only need another 20 hours of tuition and assume the next driving test is 6 or 7 weeks away, that’s only 3 hours a week of tuition. In just over a month, you can have your full driving licence and be on the road in your own car. Where do you want to go? What places are you going to see? Who are you going to take with you?
Skip the beginner lessons and concentrate on what you need to learn by taking our special part trained course.

A RIMS Driving Instructor will carry out an assessment of your driving to determine what needs to be done to achieve the standard. We will work with you to formulate a plan to polish up any rough edges and give you the skills and confidence to pass your driving test.
Call Mick on 07895262777 or complete the enquiry form and we will get back to you to get the process started!