Confidence Building
You Are Not Alone!
At Rims Driver Training we run a special course of lessons to help people who are anxious when it comes to driving, we call it “Confidence Building Driving Lessons” and is available for people who have not passed their driving test and for people who have a full driving licence but still feel nervy.
What you are experiencing is perfectly normal, we know that because we meet countless people who go through everything from feeling a few butterflies right through to a full-blown panic attack. However, you may feel alone because it is not what people usually talk about, and the good news is we can help you.
Your first aim is to lose the nerves, and we can do that by using different techniques.
What works for one person might not work for someone else so we will have a discussion and together we will agree on how to move forward by understanding your preferred methods of learning and introducing the right techniques for you to help build your confidence.
You are unique, you are different to the next person, so we need to work out what is best for you and this vitally important in formulating a plan for you!

We also have a 'no shouting' policy. It’s not something we want; it is not good for us and it certainly is not good for you. In fact, what we want is calm, relaxed and patient, so you can take your time without feeling rushed or under pressure. By working with the team, meeting the different instructors and demonstrating your skills, knowledge and confidence we will help you to overcome those nerves by becoming at one with your car, you will be able to drive instinctively so it becomes “second nature”!
Your main aim is learning how to take control. Whether or not you have passed your driving test, you need to be able to take control of the situation because at this point you will feel comfortable and your nerves will vanish.
Call Mick on 07895262777 or complete the enquiry form and we will get back to you to get the process started!